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When I read recently WikiLeaks

Updated: Aug 18, 2018

Was WikiLeaks powered by Russian Security or not?

I read recently WikiLeaks. I came on the website and wrote in search box: Anna Politkovskaya. Anna Politkovskaya was talented Russian journalist writing about human rights. She was killed in Moscow near her apartment in 2006. That is why I just for curiosity searched for info about her. There is no clear information who was organizer of the murder: some people say "Putin" , some "Kadyrov" (Russian top governing leaders). I found some information really on the WikiLeaks: there I found leaked email by STRATFOR that FSB agent who was first arrested, but then released because FSB said he was a very important undercover, was familiar with Chechen participants (who are really officially accused), and travelled with them to their place of living, Chechen Republic. In all, I want to say, there is some info on WikiLeaks, that can be useful while investigating political murders in Russia. That is my point. To answer more decisively, was WikiLeaks powered by Russian FSB or not, I cannot, of course, albeit I also believe Muller probe investigation results, that FSB might use WikiLeaks, but I don't think Julian Assange was acknowledged or paid directly. 



Mueller probe indicts 12 Russians with hacking of Democrats in 2016; The Washington Post; By Devlin Barrett, Reporter, Matt Zapotosky, Reporter; July 13, 2018

Who Ordered Politkovskaya’s Murder? The New York Times; By The Editorial Board; June 10, 2014

[OS] RUSSIA - New Details Emerge in Politkovskaya Murder Case; WikiLeaks; Released on 2013-03-11 00:00 GMT

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